"Not until we are lost,
do we begin to understand ourselves"

- Henry David Thoreau

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Call the Samaritans of Singapore at 1-767

Explore our options:

Get support if you are feeling down.

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Learn more about mental illnesses.

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Take a look at some good mental health practices


Support mental health organisations.

It's OKAY to reach out
With the daily struggles from life, it is normal to feel stressed, sad or even worried. These emotions are very common, and it happens to everyone. We are not the only ones facing difficulties and struggles. When we feel overwhelmed, we can always reach out.
There is nothing to be ashamed of. Everyone goes through hard times, do not be afraid to reach out for help.
Why is it important to seek for help?
Quality of Life

Made with ❤️ by members of the 2022 SST Inc. Executive Committee: Harish Ram Baghavath, Sean Ulric Chua, Tan Xuan Han, Asher Ng Say Kiat, Tay Kai Quan

Thanks to Unsplash for providing some images used in the website.

Thanks to Flaticon for providing some of the icons used in the website.